Tuesday 10 April 2012

Week 12 - Future of Web 3.0

Future trends

With more and more advancement in technology it is expected that web 3.0 will bring about the following changes.
  • User generated content will increase.
  • Production process will become more sophisticated.
  • Use of mash-ups will increase.
  • Information will be overloaded.
  • Problems with intellectual property.
  • Growth of personal catalogues.
  • More interaction with online services.
  • Change in the way we interact with people. 
What is web 3.0. Please see the following video which gives a clear overview of what web 3.0 is.

Please listen to the following video clip which gives a clear idea of what the future of the web is going to be.

I have learnt a lot from this lecture and the research that I carried out on web 3.0 and the future trends of web. It is amazing to see how technology has shaped our lives and the way we work. Whether we like it or not it has become a part of our lives in the sense if you are looking for a job you may be better of knowing at least a little about technology irrespective of whether you have a degree or not. Because more and more businesses are now relying on web technology for their marketing and promotions. Therefore gaining a little knowledge about web can help you in the long run.

Reference :

You tube, Web 3.0 overview, (online), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYfiLa19eUA - accessed 10th April 2012.

You tube, The future internet: Service web 3.0, (online) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=off08As3siM - accessed 10th April 2012.

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